New outbreak of ASF in Ukraine

20-05-2015 | | |
New outbreak of ASF in Ukraine

A new outbreak of African swine fever (ASF) has been reported in Kiev Oblast in Ukraine on May 8, according to a recent report by Russian veterinary body Rosselhoznadzor, which refers to data provided by Ukrainian veterinarians.

ASF has been found in the corpses of three wild boars in the Brovarsky area of Kiev Oblast; preliminary tests confirmed that the cause of death was ASF. The veterinary service of Kiev Oblast says it has taken the necessary measures to contain the outbreak.

Import of all pork and pig products restricted

Belarus restricted the import of all pork and pig products from Kiev Oblast on May 12. Russian veterinary body Rosselhoznadzor banned import of pork from this part of the Ukraine since 2014, when eleven ASF outbreaks in several regions of the country were reported.

First officially confirmed outbreak in 2015

This is the first officially confirmed outbreak of ASF in Ukraine in 2015. Previously several experts warned that with the beginning of summer the country may face new outbreaks of ASF, which spreads more rapidly when temperatures are higher.

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Vladislav Vorotnikov Eastern Europe correspondent