New FSIS testing for residues in pork

06-07-2012 | | |
New FSIS testing for residues in pork

In light of USDA’s new FSIS testing procedures, pork producers are being urged to review their operation and management decisions regarding the use and dosage of drugs.


With the announcement by the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) of new methods with increased efficiencies for testing residues in meat products, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach swine veterinarian James McKean urges pork producers to review their operational and management decisions regarding drug usage.

“Pork has had minimal violative antimicrobial residues for many years,” McKean said. “Knowing about this new testing procedure and program will help producers maintain that level of results.”

Through its national residue program, FSIS tests for the presence of chemical compounds, including approved and unapproved veterinary drugs and hormones, he said. The new high-efficiency multi-residue methods for veterinary drugs will allow screening for a range of compounds including legal and illegal drugs.

“The testing will include antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and growth promoters, and unlike in the past, a sample may be analyzed for multiple compounds,” McKean said.

For example, previously, FSIS would have collected 300 samples from 300 cows and tested for one chemical at a time. Now, one sample can be tested for up to 55 pesticide chemicals, nine kinds of antibiotics and various metals, and eventually will be able to screen for more than 50 other chemicals.

“This is why it’s important for producers to read and follow all withdrawal times; properly clean out feeders, water lines – and in some cases, floors — after the use of medicated feeds or water, and be sure to consult with your veterinarian if questions arise,” McKean said. “Paying attention to these practices helps ensure the supply of safe meat products to consumers, and it’s also consistent with the ‘We Care’ and ’PQA Plus’ initiatives of the pork industry.”

Source: Iowa Pork Industry Center

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