New ASF outbreaks in Russia

04-12-2013 | | |
New ASF outbreaks in Russia

New outbreaks of African Swine Fever (ASF) virus have been reported among wild boars in the hunting areas of several districts of the Rostov and Smolensk Regions, according to the recent Rosselkhoznadzor message.

In the Rostov region, the disease was discovered in carcasses of the three dead wild boars found in the hunting area LLC Vinogradovsky, Chertkovsky district and Popovski in Bokovskaya district.

In the Smolensk region four outbreaks of ASF virus have been recorded in three districts. In Safonovsky district swine fever has been found in the Hunting & Fishing area and NPOH Izdeshkovo in Vyazemskyi district, as well in Hislavichsky district and hunting area Quiet zone.

According to  Rosselkhoznadzor, in Hislavichskogo, Chertkovsky and Bokovskaya districts ASF has not been recorded previously. “Currently veterinary services specialists from the Rostov and Smolensk regions are conducting a set of measures to stop the spread of the virus,” according to a Rosselkhoznadzor statement.

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Vladislav Vorotnikov Eastern Europe correspondent