Photo: Vilofoss
Photo: Vilofoss

Stalosan F – a powerful swine farm biosecurity tool against ASF

Vilofoss Partner profile
06-11-2023 | |
Photo: Vilofoss
Photo: Vilofoss

A pathogen responsible for massive losses in pig populations and drastic economic consequences, African Swine Fever (ASF) has become a major crisis for the pork industry in recent years. With no effective vaccine, the disease is not only impeding animal health and welfare but has also detrimental impacts on biodiversity and the livelihoods of farmers.

​In total, since January 2020, ASF has been reported in 5 regions in 39 countries around the world, affecting more than 1,125,000 pigs and more than 36,000 wild boar (data reported through INs and FURs), with more than 1,960,000 animal losses.

Map of the world displaying the presence of ASF by Administrative divisions (2021 –27/04/2023). Source: WOAH
Map of the world displaying the presence of ASF by Administrative divisions (2021 –27/04/2023). Source: WOAH

In this regard, the Stalosan F efficacy test against ASF and HPAI H5N1, performed by the National Centre of Veterinary Diagnostics in Vietnam, has added significant value to the broad-spectrum efficacy against a variety of pathogens (Table).

The results showed that at exposure times of either 10 or 30 minutes, the disinfectant showed very high ability to inactivate the viruses used in the test. Thus, after spraying, the disinfectant has a completely inactivating effect on the types of the disease-causing viruses, African Swine Fever and the highly virulent Avian Influenza (HPAIV H5N1). In other words, in this experiment, inactivation of the pathogen took place after 10 minutes.

The test proved another product advantage – the longevity of Stalosan F efficacy, showing excellent results 7 days after product application. The results of repeated experiments at 3 days and 7 days after Stalosan F application showed that it still retains a completely inactivating effect on the viruses Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMDV) and the highly virulent strain of Avian Influenza, H5N1. It can be said that the effect of Stalosan F antiseptic can last for at least 7 days.

Based on all efficacy tests available on the Stalosan webpage, it can be concluded that Stalosan can be used against a variety of pathogens affecting different animal species.

Weekly application provides a healthy and comfortable environment, reducing ammonia emissions and moisture. The broad-spectrum efficacy reduces the pathogen pressure and the need for antibiotic treatments by more than 30%, minimising the risk of creating antibiotic resistant super-bacteria.

A powerful tool like Stalosan F – capable of killing the ASF and HPAI H5N1 viruses – can make a difference in the global fight for sustainable animal production, if applied as a part of strict biosecurity procedures.

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Vilofoss is a global leader in the premix and animal nutrition sector. We offer individual premixes and innovative mineral feed concepts to mixed feed producers and self-mixing livestock farmers within the sector of animal nutrition. In addition, we offer a wide range of specialty products, welfare products, products for disinfection and other unique troubleshooters. Our aim is to increase your Farm Performance. More about Vilofoss…   Contact Vilofoss  

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Vilofoss is a global leader in the premix and animal nutrition sector. We offer individual premixes and innovative mineral feed concepts to mixed feed producers and self-mixing livestock farmers within the sector of animal nutrition. In addition, we offer a wide range of specialty products, welfare products, products for disinfection and other unique troubleshooters. Our aim is to increase your Farm Performance. More about Vilofoss…   Contact Vilofoss