Coming soon: EuroTier seminar on gut health 

07-11-2024 | |
Photo: Van Assendelft Fotografie
Photo: Van Assendelft Fotografie

The 2nd of 3 Pig Progress seminars at EuroTier in Hanover, Germany, will revolve around the theme of Gut Health. The seminar, which features 4 expert speakers, shall take place as from noon at the Expert Stage Pig, in hall 15, on Wednesday, November 13. 

Register here for the Pig Progress seminars at EuroTier

Traditionally, the theme of gut health is always attracting huge crowds – and that is for a reason. The gut is the location where the disciplines of pig health and pig nutrition meet. Both disciplines have faced challenges in the most recent years as the use of antibiotics is discouraged as much as possible and zinc oxide can no longer be used at pharmacological levels. 

The seminar shall therefore concentrate on achieving a healthy gut for sows, weaners and finishers – how to get there, how to keep it healthy and what happens in case the gut is being challenged? 

Jessica Schynoll
Jessica Schynoll

Gut health and tail biting

First on stage will be Jessica Schynoll. She is veterinarian at Vivet Schweine in northern Germany. As tail biting is considered to be caused by a multifactorial complex, it is likely that gut health also plays a role in the cocktail. Her practice Vivet spends a lot of attention to the link between gut health, the microbiome, ileitis and tail biting – and she will explain more about this in detail. 


Dr Lea Hübertz Birch Hansen
Dr Lea Hübertz Birch Hansen

A robust microbiome

The microbiome will also come back in the 2nd presentation. On behalf of animal nutrition company Novonesis will speak Dr Lea Hübertz Birch Hansen. Focus of her presentation will be the power of a robust gut microbiome – for greater pig health and performance. She will discuss what makes the gut microbiome so vital for the industry and how microbiome robustness can be identified. 

Pioneering probiotics

Oliver Merdy
Oliver Merdy

Oliver Merdy is global programme manager swine at Phileo and his talk will revolve around “pioneering probiotics.” He will delve into the question how yeast probiotics can shape generations of quality piglets. In his presentation he will also zoom in on sows, as the right microbiota in a sow’s gut will help them be ready for nurturing piglets with good quality colostrum and milk. 



Bringing value to pig farming

Margriet Faber
Margriet Faber

Finally, Margriet Faber will address the audience on behalf of Dutch animal nutrition company Denkavit. Her focus will be to highlight insights about the company’s feed additives line. For instance, using natural mineral additives piglets can be helped to bridge the weaning dip. In addition, nutrition enriched with humic acids can support the gut of pigs of any age. Registration for the seminar of Wednesday noon is possible by clicking the link below.   


Register here for the Pig Progress seminars at EuroTier

ter Beek
Vincent ter Beek Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world
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