ASF Vietnam: Approval of commercial use of 1st vaccines

01-08-2023 | |
More than 650,000 doses of the vaccines were recently tested on pig herds in 40 provinces in Vietnam, reportedly with an efficacy rate of 95%. Photo: Phoenix Han
More than 650,000 doses of the vaccines were recently tested on pig herds in 40 provinces in Vietnam, reportedly with an efficacy rate of 95%. Photo: Phoenix Han

Vietnam has approved the domestic, commercial use of 2 home-grown vaccines against African Swine Fever, the government has announced. This makes the vaccines the first 2 commercial vaccines against the virus.

Press agency Reuters reported about the Vietnamese government’s approval in late July. The vaccines include Navet-ASFvac, developed by the company Navetco Central Veterinary Medicine on the basis of research by the US Department of Agriculture, and AVAC ASF Live, which is developed by AVAC Vietnam JSC.

The approval of the vaccines may also lead to possible sales abroad. The Vietnamese ministry of agriculture informed the companies to work out production plans for domestic sales and for exports, the government statement said.

More than 650,000 doses of the vaccines were recently tested on hog herds in 40 provinces in Vietnam, with an efficacy rate of 95%, according to the government. “The vaccines are eligible for circulation and use nationwide,” the ministry said in the statement.

Also, in another country in South East Asia, in the Philippines, progress is being made with ASF vaccine trials.

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ter Beek
Vincent ter Beek Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world