Denmark aims for 1.5 million pigs without antibiotics

03-03-2018 | | |
Denmark aims for 1.5 million pigs without antibiotics

Several organisations in Denmark will jointly be spending 15.5 million Danish crowns (€ 2.01 million) for research into how to reduce the need for antibiotics among Danish pigs. The target is for 1.5 million pigs to be produced without antibiotics by 2021.

Danish agriculture is aiming to further reduce the amount of antibiotics used in production and, moreover, to produce pigs without the use of antibiotics. Environment and food minister Esben Lunde Larsen stated in a press release: “This project means we’re taking an important step towards being able to produce more pigs without the use of antibiotics.”

Contributions from many relevant organisations

The project is being hosted by processor Danish Crown, the Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen University, Statens Serum Institut and SEGES. In addition, the Environment and Food Ministry’s Green Development and Demonstration programme has contributed 12.5 million Danish crowns (€ 1.68 million) to the project.

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ter Beek
Vincent ter Beek Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world