Dealing with antibiotics responsibly – view the webinar

28-11-2016 | | |
Photo: Vincent ter Beek
Photo: Vincent ter Beek

How to deal more responsibly with antibiotics in pig production? That question was dived into by two independent speakers in a Pig Progress seminar/webinar, held at EuroTier.

The event, which took place on November 16, 2016, was organised in cooperation with Phileo Animal Care.

Probiotics as alternative

Prof Paolo Trevisi, attached to the University of Bologna, Italy, touched on the big ‘why’ related to the use of antibiotics in pigs – and why using probiotics might be a viable alternative. He illustrated how the interests of ‘health’ and ‘growth performance’ sometimes appear to be each other’s opposites.

An attempt to reduce the amounts of antibiotics used, he said, falls apart into on one hand responsible use, and on the other preventive strategies, which include the usage of in-feed additives. These last group, in his view, could positively influence microbiota.

If you’d like to see the entire presentation, please follow the link to the seminar/webinar ‘Phileo: Antibiotic reduction’.

Impact of antibiotic reduction

The second and last speaker of this seminar/webinar ws Dominique Marchand, a veterinarian attached to Epidalis, France. He zoomed in on the question what could be the impact of antibiotic reduction strategies in swine health management.

He spoke on the French initiative ‘Écoantibio’, the national approach to reduce antibiotics on-farm in France, and he also explained that control is a matter of measuring, and subsequently of tackling the pig production process on many levels, i.e. external biosecurity, internal biosecurity, diseases & bacteria, alternative solutions, and training and awareness for antibiotic-free pigs.

He closed off showing various trial results which revolved around the inclusion of Actisaf (Phileo) in animal nutrition.

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ter Beek
Vincent ter Beek Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world