Coming soon: Webinar on antibiotic reduction

30-11-2021 | | |
Illustration: Dreamstime
Illustration: Dreamstime

The last Pig Progress webinar of the year is devoted to the theme of antibiotic reduction. On December 7, expert speakers will shed a light on how to get piglets through weaning without the usage of antibiotics.

Register here for the webinar on December 7  

The background of the webinar obviously is the fact that these days, the international trend is to bring the use of curative antibiotics as far down as possible – something that is not particularly made easier now also zinc oxide is on its way out in the European Union.

Animals, however, do continue to be trouble by pathogens, something that becomes extra visible now antibiotics have been withdrawn. Therefore the webinar will explore how antibiotics have covered up problems, and discuss alternative methods how to tackle antibiotic reduction without a loss of performance.

Expert speakers on the theme of antibiotic reduction

The webinar will feature 3 expert speakers who will all shed a light on the topic of antibiotic reduction.

Dr Albert van Dijk, senior consultant swine nutrition at Schothorst Feed Research will set the scene painting a general picture of antibiotic reduction in pigs. He will paint the picture of the development of antibiotic usage in pigs before and after 2006, when a ban was introduced to antimicrobial growth promoters in the European Union.

He will also discuss the importance of good farm management, hygiene and biosecurity and discuss a range of additives and nutritional concepts that can be used instead.

José Maria Ros Felip is global technical manager at Perstorp Animal Nutrition. The title of his presentation will be “Why a healthy gut is the preferred way to performance.” He describes gut health as the long-term solution to address issues for which in the past antibiotics were used. In his presentation, he will explain how tributyrins can help.

Thirdly, Daniel Šperling, DVM, PhD will address the audience. He is swine corporate technical manager at Ceva Santé Animale.

His presentation will address oedema disease – obviously he will share characteristics and how the disease impacts piglet performance. He will also talk about vaccination against oedema disease, and how that can be an effective strategy to reduce the usage of antibiotics as well as zinc oxide. 

Starting times of the webinar

The webinar will begin at 3pm, CET at Tuesday, December 7. That time corresponds to:

  • Des Moines, IA, USA: 8am
  • New York, NY, USA: 9am
  • São Paulo, SP, Brazil: 11am
  • London, UK: 2pm
  • Kyiv, Ukraine: 4pm
  • Moscow, Russia: 5pm
  • Bangkok, Thailand: 9pm
  • Beijing, China: 10pm
  • Tokyo, Japan: 11pm
  • Darwin, NT, Australia: 11.30pm

Register here for the webinar on December 7  

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ter Beek
Vincent ter Beek Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world