ASF update: Lockdown of northern China’s pig business

12-09-2018 | | |
A rare sight as from this week in northern China: pork sold on live markets. Photo: Vincent ter Beek
A rare sight as from this week in northern China: pork sold on live markets. Photo: Vincent ter Beek

China has blocked transports of live pigs and pig products in a large part of the country since this week. This way, the country hopes to avoid African Swine Fever (ASF) to spread beyond the 6 provinces where the virus is currently confirmed.

At the moment the virus has been officially reported in the provinces Heilongjiang, Liaoning, Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu and Zhejiang – appearing as the colour orange in the map below. The pig transport ban, however, concerns a much wider area, with all surrounding provinces also being included (all provinces in blue). This also includes the city of Shanghai. Effectively, the ban now covers about half of China.