ASF Germany: Steep hike of cases in one day

04-12-2020 | | |
A German wild boar in captivity (not affected with ASF).
A German wild boar in captivity (not affected with ASF).

In what has been the largest hike of positive rest results for African Swine Fever (ASF) in 1 day in Germany, the authorities in Brandenburg state reported the finding of 55 additional positively tested wild boar carcasses.

In total 49 of the 55 cases were found in Märkisch-Oderland, the northernmost of the 4 infected zones along the border with Poland. A batch of 40 animals were found to be positive on the island Küstrin-Kietz; later in the day another 9 carcasses were reported to be positive from this district. Today 1 more followed.

Over the weekend, there were already reports of many dead wild boar having been found on the island – most of them being sows with their offspring. At the time it hadn’t been officially confirmed what had caused the animals’ death. Testing at Germany’s reference lab gave clarity.

Another 6 dead wild boar positive for ASF were found in the Oder-Spree district, more to the south. Together with 15 reported cases in Saxony state (according to the TSIS system), there are 264 animals found in the 4 zones in Germany, on December 4.

No change to the bigger ASF picture

The animals will all be disposed of and since they were all found in already identified infected zones, the discovery does not change anything to the bigger picture.

Earlier this week, the German authorities announced the completion of the 1st white zone around the first infected zone. In that zone, hunting will be allowed to make sure that the virus will not be able to escape from the inner infected zone.

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ter Beek
Vincent ter Beek Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world