What innovations does EuroTier 2021 offer?

01-02-2021 | |
Photo: Big Dutchman
Photo: Big Dutchman

Everything is different at the 2021 EuroTier, due to Covid-19. Not in November, not in Germany and no halls to explore. The 2021 edition held from February 9 to 12, will be in cyberspace and can be viewed comfortably from an armchair. What is there to look out for?

Automatic milk feeding system

Aco Funki: Baby Care

With sows being increasingly prolific, Danish pig equipment company Aco Funki launches an automatic milk feeding system for distribution of fresh milk to piglets. The philosophy behind it is simple: When the piglets have constant access to milk, it results in a higher weight at weaning and faster growth after weaning, and this gives a higher survival rate. The system mixes milk powder with hot water, and then adds cold water to get the right temperature. The company also showcases a rubber heat mat for piglets and a straw rack.

Group lactation pens

Big Dutchman: Pure Line “Specht system”

Together with customer Renke Specht, Big Dutchman developed a concept to keep sows and piglets in groups from day 3 after birth. Every pen has been designed for three sows and their piglets, with 16.5m2 for the sows and 4.5m2 as the piglet area. The concept offers a lot of room for the animals and corresponds to the sows’ natural behaviour of rearing in groups. Sudden-descent protectors avoid crushing. Tree trunks are used for scratching and help the sows to keep out of each other’s way.

Read more about the 2021 editio of EuroTier

New encapsulated feed supplement

Bewital Agri: Bewi-Fatrix SynerG+

German specialty feed producer Bewital Agri introduces an encapsulated combination product based on lauric acid, monoglycerides of short-chain fatty acids and flavourings (plant extracts and essential oils). By combining the active substances, gram-positive bacteria such as streptococci and clostridia can be harmed and thus antibiotic treatment can be reduced while improving animal health, especially in piglet rearing. An in vitro study showed that 0.1% of the product is sufficient to reduce the germ growth of Streptococcus suis and Clostridium perfringens by 50%.

Retrofittable manure acidification

Hölscher + Leuschner, Catch-N

German livestock equipment manufacturer Hölscher + Leuschner will showcase a compact solution for manure acidification. The process of acidifying manure has been known since the 1990s; the idea is to keep slurry in pits acidified at a pH level of 5.5. That way, new faeces will immediately be surrounded by acidified manure, which prevents microbial degradation of the solid fractions (lowering methane) and prevents ammonia forming. Older types of acidifying equipment had to be built in on new farms. The Catch-N system can be retrofitted.

Hay and straw rack

Meier-Brakenberg: Porky’s Rack Flexi

In modern pig farming, roughage supply is becoming more common. Racks are simple and robust systems for doing this. German equipment producer Meier-Brakenberg introduces Porky’s Rack Flexi, a hay and straw rack with an adjustable dosing slide. The slide allows the rack to be adapted to different material properties and to have desired quantity outputs set. The rack can also be used to provide alfalfa hay or long wheat straw. The company also launches two other types of roughage dispensers and a weighing machine.

Free farrowing pen

Schauer Agrotronic: WingFree

At EuroTier 2021, Austrian equipment producer Schauer Agrotronic adds the WingFree free farrowing pen to its portfolio. For piglets, the novelty offers optimal protection during the farrowing phase, especially in the first days of life. The sow’s free-range moving area is easy to adjust by opening the two side wings of the crate. Benefits are low pen walls for a good overview and high flexibility to install the free farrowing system to the short or long side of the pen.

Hygienic plastic modules

Weda: Hy.Board

Especially in times when diseases like African Swine Fever are spreading rapidly, hygiene is more important than ever. German pig equipment company Weda has therefore launched new, closed pen modules made of plastic. In contrast to conventional boards, the individual elements are hermetically sealed and cannot enclose any bacteria or other sources of infection. The Hy.Boards are made of PVC; are available in different, individually adaptable sizes; are easy to assemble; and can be cleaned quickly.

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ter Beek
Vincent ter Beek Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world