Podcast: China and the post-ASF era

09-12-2020 | |
Podcast: China and the post-ASF era
Podcast: China and the post-ASF era

It is well known that China suffered badly from the African Swine Fever (ASF) outbreaks in 2018 and 2019. With immense speed, reconstruction of the swine industry is picking up. In this 5th episode of the Real P3 podcast series, Dr Wayne Johnson explains what it is like to work in China these days.

The Real P3 podcast series is a recent initiative, where pork professionals from all over the world are interviewed about challenges and solutions in their day-to-day work.

African Swine Fever in China

In this 5th episode of the podcast series, Dr Casey Bradley talks to Dr Wayne Johnson, an American veterinarian who has been working in China on and off since 1996. Ever since he set up his own pig veterinary consultancy company, he also set up a diagnostic laboratory and he is providing trainings.

Life changed when ASF came in August 2018, he says, and things even got more complex when Covid-19 also arrived. “It limited our ability to travel.”

In the previous weeks, Pig Progress published earlier episodes of the Real P3 Podcast Series:

• the prologue of the pocast series;
Episode 1: Mihaela Angheluta, Denmark;
Episode 2: Christine Snowden, Ohio, United States;
Episode 3: Johan Odendall, Zimbabwe;
Episode 4: James Lamb, North Carolina, United States.

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ter Beek
Vincent ter Beek Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world