Podcast: Working on a 500+ sow farm in Denmark

11-11-2020 | |
Podcast: Working on a 500+ sow farm in Denmark
Podcast: Working on a 500+ sow farm in Denmark

The first episode of the Real P3 podcast series takes listeners to Denmark. Dr Casey Bradley speaks to Mihaela Angheluta, manager of a 500+ sow farm. Piglets from Mihaela’s farm are transferred to Germany and later Poland when they weigh about 10kg.

The Real P3 podcast series is a recent initiative, where pork producers from all over the world will be interviewed about challenges and solutions in their day-to-day work.

Roles as a pig farm manager

In this episode of the podcast series, Mihaela Angheluta is visited, farm manager at Nydamgaard in Vojens, Southern Jutland, Denmark. She describes her first visit to a pig farm as ‘love at first sight’. She speaks about the various roles she has as a manager and how she was taught to be an all-round pig farm manager.

Last week, Pig Progress published the prologue of the pocast series, in which the people behind the podcast are introduced. In the next episode, the Real P3 podcast will report from Heimerl Farms in Ohio, USA.

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ter Beek
Vincent ter Beek Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world