Yingzi launches Future Pig Farm (FPF) platform

01-11-2018 | |
Photo: Vincent ter Beek
Photo: Vincent ter Beek

China-based technology company Yingzi Technology has recently launched its ‘Future Pig Farm’ concept – an intelligent platform for precision swine production.

The idea encompasses the integration of the internet and the industry, company representatives noted at the press conference which was held on the 1st day of the 7th Leman China Swine Conference, in Zhengzhou, China, 19-21 September 2018.

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One platform, various pig farm apps

The company launched its platform where various pig farm applications can fit in – easy to be controlled from one place: a smartphone. In an interview with Pig Progress, Yingzi CEO Dr Jackson He explained the concept includes at least 5 components, some of which are being developed in cooperation with foreign firms:

  • Pig face recognition: A 1st concept of this innovation was revealed in March 2018 and an update in July 2018. The concept is still being developed – difficulty here, Dr He said, is that pigs usually never stand still. Video footage is currently being used by the scientists to analyse pig movement and capture their faces to uniquely identify them. That technology is aimed at creating an ID for each pig and its lifecycle management.

  • A veterinary assistant: A smartphone application which could support producers, help tracking the progress of certain procedures (e.g. vaccination), and provide necessary training for conducting the procedure, if needed. The tool is to make it easier for veterinarians for do their jobs better, not replacing them.
  • Environmental control: Real-time monitoring of environmental conditions through sensors within a pig farm, like e.g. the temperature. Currently a ‘control’ module is being developed. In this component, Yingzi is cooperating with Dutch company Microfan.
  • Genomics: An archive function where real-time data can be matched with background genetical data acquired through genomics. This will yield essential information as to which semen to use with which sow.
  • Precision feeding: A concept which starts with sows as it is important to know exactly what she eats – both underfeeding and overfeeding are not to be desired. The goal is to feed the sow with the right amount, at the right time, so that her productivity could be optimised.

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FPF in 2 Yangxiang farms

Two farms have already been equipped with FPF technology, Dr He said. Both are installed in farms by the feed and swine producing company Yangxiang. One is located close to the Yangxiang headquarters in Guangxi province; the other being near Yaji Mt., also in Guangxi province, where also the 9-storey pig farm buildings have been constructed.

All in all, with the precision technology, Yingzi hopes to eventually be able to reduce the cost of producing 1 kg of pork by RMB 1 (€ 0.13) – at an estimated 15% cost reduction from it is today, according to the company. It is the intention of Yingzi to go abroad with this technology so it will become available in a range of different languages, according to Dr He. Yingzi will also be present at EuroTier, in Hanover, Germany.

Strategic deals for further pig cooperation

At the same press conference, also 3 agreements were signed by Yingzi. The company closed a strategic deal with Intel on a series of computer technology cooperation.

One of the 3 agreements (with Intel) being signed at the press conference in Zhengzhou. Photo: Vincent ter Beek

One of the 3 agreements (with Intel) being signed at the press conference in Zhengzhou. Photo: Vincent ter Beek

In addition, Yingzi signed a cooperation with Wuhan University on a strategic collaboration about technology in the field of ‘Farm to the Table’. Lastly, Yingzi signed a cooperation with the Central South University, for the co-building of an academic work station.

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ter Beek
Vincent ter Beek Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world
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