Podcast: Marketing ‘Real Pork’ in the United States

20-01-2021 | | |
Podcast: Marketing  Real Pork  in the United States
Podcast: Marketing Real Pork in the United States

The 9th episode of the Real P3 podcast series takes a look at the marketing of pork production and zooms in on the question how the National Pork Board works hard at increasing US domestic pork consumption.

The Real P3 podcast series is a recent initiative, where pork professionals from all over the world are interviewed about challenges and solutions in their day-to-day work.

A new pork campaign emphasising authenticity

In this 9th episode of the podcast series, Dr Casey Bradley interviews Angie Krieger, vice president of domestic marketing at the United States National Pork Board, educating both producers as well as consumers on pork production. In August 2020, the pork board launched a new marketing campaign called ‘Real Pork’.

“We knew we needed to focus on the consumer to increase demand worldwide but especially domestically,” Krieger says in the podcast. “A lot of people will point to our domestic consumption which has been really flat for many years.”

She continues to say, “When we started to think about how we wanted to show up differently for consumers, it really went beyond a campaign. And that’s how we came up with Real Pork. It’s all about being authentic, being who we are, as a protein, as an industry, celebrating our producers and what they do on the farm and really helping consumers once again connect with where their food comes from.”

In the previous weeks, Pig Progress published earlier episodes of the Real P3 Podcast Series:

the prologue of the podcast series;
Episode 1: Mihaela Angheluta, Denmark;
Episode 2: Christine Snowden, Ohio, United States;
Episode 3: Johan Odendall, Zimbabwe;
Episode 4: James Lamb, North Carolina, United States;
Episode 5: Dr Wayne Johnson, China;
Episode 6: Colin Twomey, Ireland;
Episode 7: Paul Faris, United States;
Episode 8: A recap of 2020.

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ter Beek
Vincent ter Beek Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world